12 Best Keto Drinks

Top rated keto drinks

What Drinks Are OK On Keto

So, you say you could chant the names of Keto foods while standing on your head? Have you given Keto drinks diligent attention? Food forms the base of the Ketogenic diet but complying with approved Keto drinks is vital for staying in ketosis.

Because the Ketogenic Diet severely limits carbohydrate intake, more than the normal amount of fluids will be voided. Failure to properly rehydrate can lead to dehydration.

Don’t misunderstand, Keto dieters can’t drink just any old thing; for instance, diet sodas are laden with artificial sweeteners and harmful additives and preservatives.

With that being said, here is your list of keto friendly drinks to add to your keto shopping list.

How Much Water Should I Drink While On Keto

Do you love water or think it’s disgusting? If you’re not a water aficionado, doctor it with lemon or lime juice or any other keto friendly fruit because dear Keto dieter, you gotta drink a blessed plenty of it. Why?

Dehydration is recognized as a negative side-effect of the Ketogenic diet.

Things you may not know about water:

    • Responsible for delivering various nutrients, including oxygen to the brain. Lack of water can cause headaches, insomnia, memory challenges and more.
    • Chronic fatigue may result from dehydration.
    • Helps amp up the metabolism.
    • Essential for healthy kidney functioning.
    • Helps avoid constipation.

Can I Drink Coffee On Keto Diet

If you need your morning coffee in order to function, give us a high five. Coffee is one of the permissible Keto drinks. Even caffeine coffee! Black coffee, no sugar is keto-preferred. But who wants to start the day with a cup of sludge?

No worries. How about a steaming cup of butter coffee? Stir coffee booster or coconut oil into black coffee to incorporate healthy fats into your diet. In Keto language, this is called bulletproof coffee and it heightens your ketones.

Or, experiment with nut milks, such as almond, hazelnut or cashew. You may also go heavy on cream. Sprinkle vanilla extract or cinnamon over your freshly ground coffee beans for a different taste treat. The idea is to find the right flavor that makes you forget the omission of sugar.

Coffee can stimulate your foggy morning brain into action. Athletes find it improves stamina. It helps with weight loss by boosting your metabolic rate about four percent, which burns more calories.

Can I Have Tea On Keto

Tea is the second most popular beverage, surpassed only by water. It is carbohydrate free, making tea an excellent choice of Keto drinks. If you were born and bred in the south, it will be difficult to give up your beloved “sweet tea”. But no-sugar-added to Keto drinks is non-negotiable.

Things you may not know about tea:

    • Tea doesn’t claim to be a miracle herb, yet it is known as the world’s most popular healer.
    • Its antioxidants potentially defend against various types of cancers, such as skin, breast, lung, colon, liver, stomach, pancreas, prostate and more.
    • Prevents free radical damage and delays aging on a cellular level.
    • Green tea (practically) turns the body into a fat-burning machine.
    • Feeling blue? Tea can lower stress levels and provide comfort.
    • With less caffeine than coffee, tea won’t interrupt your sleep or give you the jitters.

And if water is not your thing – this one’s for you. Research shows tea is a healthier means of hydration than water. Not only does tea do an efficient job of hydrating your body, it contains those marvelous antioxidants.

Keto Smoothies

Smoothies make awesome grab and go breakfasts. They help suppress cravings. Quick and easy to prepare, smoothies are a shining star among keto drinks.

Be mindful to watch the carbs. Typical smoothies are high in sugar, but with a few tweaks you can create deliciousness in a glass. Choose from items such as almond milk, coconut milk or a nut butter for your smoothie base.

Next add low carb vegetables like beets, cucumbers, kale or spinach. You may include small amounts of Keto fruits i.e. blackberries, raspberries or nectarine for a touch of sweetness.

Blend the ingredients and enjoy.

Here are several other prime ingredients:

Avocado – high in good fats and fiber.

Heavy Whipping Cream – yes you read it right. For only 0.4 carb grams, yummy whipping cream delivers 3.5 fat grams.

Superfoods – power up your smoothie. Select from wheat grass, flax seeds, matcha (powdered green tea leaves), chia seeds, acai or hemp seeds.

What Alcohol Can I Drink On Keto

What if we gave you the green light to include alcohol on your list of Keto drinks? Cheers to that!

Ketogenic diets offer another reason to drink responsibly. Because you can’t have all you want to drink of whatever alcohol you want. Stick to the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for Keto drinks.

For instance, beer contains a significant number of carbs. Two beers will guzzle your entire carb allowance for the day. In addition, ciders, cocktails and sweet wines are not favorable. If a drink tastes sweet, it contains too much sugar.

There is no definitive choice for the “best” keto alcohol to imbibe in the Keto diet. Hard liquors like whiskey, tequila, brandy, gin, cognac, vodka and rum are low carb or no carb. It’s optimal to drink hard liquor neat or on the rocks.

Here are a few permitted mixers for Keto drinks:

    • Diet or sugar-free sodas
    • Seltzer water
    • Diet tonic water

Be mindful, alcohol consumption delays fat loss because your body views it as a toxic substance and gets busy breaking it down. Alcohol can suspend ketosis and stall your weight loss efforts.

Take Note: Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can cause malnourishment leading to alcoholic ketoacidosis. While, this condition can result in sudden death, if treated early, alcoholic ketoacidosis can resolve.

Ketoacidosis means ketone levels in the blood are seriously high. Ketoacidosis should not be mistaken for ketosis, or vice versa.

Is Sparkling Water Good For Keto

Sparkling water is water fortified with carbon dioxide, which makes it sparkle. People are lovin’ sparkling water to the extent it is becoming a top selling beverage.

Sparkling water is also known as sparkling mineral water, carbonated water, seltzer water, soda water, fizzy water, bubbly water, gas water or club soda. Sparkling water is on the approved Keto drinks list and some dieters report it is a staple in their cupboard.

Be aware of flavored carbonated waters that may contain fruit juice or sugar.

If you dislike plain water, effervescent water is a close second. But at the end of the day, plain water is cheaper and healthier. It’s a bushel and peck better than sugary sodas.

Going full-time with bubbly water? Sparkling mineral water is the best option. It keeps you well-hydrated and contains essential minerals.

Carbonated water helps relieve constipation, keep blood sugar levels in balance, soothes indigestion and can promote weight loss.

As for side-effects, it’s sometimes called gas water, because it can cause bloating, burping and/or gas.

Which Milk Is Best For Keto

How does it feel to know there are alternatives for dairy milk? Let’s look at several plant-based milks, which are approved Keto drinks.

Is Rice Milk Keto Friendly

Rice milk is made from organic rice grain and water. Its texture is thinner than whole milk, but rice milk tastes good and slightly sweet. Brands of rice milk fortified with Vitamins and calcium are as healthy as dairy milk.

Rice milk has more carbs, but less calcium and protein than cow’s milk. One cup of rice milk has four grams of net carbs.

For the benefit of lactose intolerant people, it doesn’t contain lactose. And what a bonus…certain brands have a shelf life of nine months. Refrigerate after opening and use rice milk within two weeks.

Is Almond Milk OK For Keto Diet

Almond milk is made with strained almonds and water and is likely the most well-known non-dairy milk. Like rice milk, it’s shelf stable for about 12 months. Manufacturers may include Vitamins D and E, calcium and riboflavin to enhance its nutritional value.

Almond milk supports weight loss and helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

One cup of this nut milk delivers 1.5 grams of carbs mostly resulting from fiber. Slightly sweet and nutty, almond milk comes in coconut and vanilla flavors.

Is Soy Milk OK On Keto

For newborns allergic to dairy milk, soy milk has long been used in baby formulas. Soy milk is also the preferred option for lactose intolerant adults. Thing is – soy milk isn’t trendy - it’s been around for decades.

Soy milk is developed from ground soy beans, saturated in water. It can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and the Omega-3s in soy milk are essential for brain health.

A wealth of minerals including zinc, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium are in soy milk. Also, an array of Vitamins, such as Vitamin K, D, E, B, folate, niacin, calcium and magnesium are in soy milk.

Is Macadamia Nut Milk Keto Friendly

Macadamia nut milk is gluten free, sugar free, non-GMO and soy free. It is rich in monounsaturated fat that helps reduce your risk of heart disease. Even users who have “gone off” milk are reporting macadamia nut milk as their “go-to dairy milk substitute”. We’re also seeing affirmative comments about its buttery, nutty, creamy taste.

Macadamias are high in omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acids and oleic acid that help decrease bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. They are a good source of iron, Vitamin A, niacin, thiamin, folate and riboflavin. They contain antioxidants, which regenerates your hair and skin.

Is Kombucha Okay On Keto

Hmmm! Who else never heard of kombucha before researching Keto drinks? Chinese ancients called kombucha the “immortal health elixir”.

Kombucha is made of tea, with live bacteria and yeast added to result in fermentation.

A one cup serving contains 3.9 net grams of carbs. It’s high in fiber, which encourages regularity and loaded with B Vitamins and antioxidants. Kombucha performs total body detoxification. High in glucaric acid that aids in cancer prevention, kombucha is one of the healthiest Keto drinks.

Final Thoughts on Keto Drinks

Are you excited to know the acceptable Keto drinks?

From capital letter to period, we’ve shown you a variety of Keto drinks to add to your keto shopping list. We’ve also shown how to jazz up plain water with a healthy squirt of lime or lemon.

Ready? Set? Go…Stand on your head…Sing the first verse of “Keto Drinks.”