
Michael Thomas website ownerThank you for visiting Keto Shopping List HQ. My name is Michael Thomas and back in October 2018 I was 60 lbs. overweight. I was 57 years old and it seemed the older I was getting, the more weight I put on. This is when my keto lifestyle began.

This became reality because of my lovely wife Samantha. She heard from a friend (who was also on a keto diet plan) about the keto diet and suggested we give it a try. I was totally on board with this and ready to begin the ketogenic diet.

Now, keep in mind I drive a truck coast to coast for a living. I am gone for a month at a time and spend most of my day sitting behind the steering wheel. That being said, I get very little physical activity.

To keep a long story short, low and behold, 2 months later I was 35 lbs. lighter. My wife, who does not travel with me had lost 60 lbs. WOW! The ketogenic diet really does work.

I started this website because, in the beginning it was tough to figure out what to eat and what not to eat. My goal is to inform you of all the great food that you can eat living the keto lifestyle. I will always be updating and providing you with the tips you need to shop for the keto diet.

Feel free to make any suggestions on information you would like to see or add some of your own tips.

Thanks again for visiting my site and I wish you total success with your ketogenic diet!