Moon Cheese Review

Cheddar Moon CheeseMoon Cheese is created by NutraDRIED, a company that is focused on making natural products, which taste terrific. If you’re a Keto dieter who craves something crunchy, NutraDRIED advises, “Get your crunch on.”

Hint: Moon Cheese is crunchy.

What we Don’t Know About Moon Cheese

We don’t know how this “crunchified” cheese got its name. The only reference, we could find was on the company’s FAQs question and answer page.

Q: “Why is it called “moon” cheese”?

A: “Isn’t it obvious? Our little cheese bites resemble pieces of the moon.”

What we Know About Moon Cheese

Moon Cheese is beguilingly addictive. Comments from users support its addictiveness, but they are typically followed by remarks such as, “they’re not cheap”.

Q: “How is Moon Cheese so crunchy”?

A: “Crunchy? Well, aren’t you a curious one? Our proprietary technology has the ability to draw a ton of moisture out of cheese and make it uber-crunchy.”

Take Note: NutraDRIED obtained a patent on their Radiant Energy Vacuum (REV) process for making this cheese snack. Real cheese is sent through a vacuum chamber and dried via microwaves to remove almost all the moisture. No chemicals are used in the process, so that the result is a nutritious, crunchy snack, which looks like pieces of the moon. Or not!

What’s New?

To enhance their brand relaunch, NutraDRIED introduced a new “world-class packaging design at the Natural Products Expo, Baltimore, MD. Attendees were also gifted with a sneak peek of two new products – Cheddar Bacon Me Crazy and Garlickin’ Parmesan.

Name changes for the varieties of Moon Cheese already in existence were revealed – Get Pepper Jacked, Cheddar Believe It and Oh My Gouda. NutraDRIED will kick-start the new packaging, new flavors and renamed Moon cheeses in January 2020.

Important Nutrition Facts About Moon Cheese

The ingredient list, per the packaging, is “just cheese”. Refrigeration is not required. Each 1 Oz serving of contains 2 grams of carbs, 11 grams of protein and zero grams of sugar. Until January 2020, (See above for details) Pepper Jack, Cheddar and Gouda Moon Cheese are the only flavors and are available in 2 Oz packages.

Since this is a dehydrated product it is more calorie dense than regular cheese. According to package info, Moon Cheese contains 70 calories per serving (6-7 pieces). A package contains 4.5 servings, which translates to 315 calories vs 228 calories in regular cheese.

Are you aware that real cheese contains saturated fat? Do you think that saturated fat is “the bad fat”? We’ve been conditioned to believe that saturated fat increases weight gain and contributes to heart disease. Since this cheese snack is high in saturated fat, you may be concerned that it’s bad for your health.

In ongoing research, scientists are finding that saturated fat is a good energy source and it is also necessary for proper brain function. So, including quality, high-fat foods in your diet is good for your health.

Contrary to false information we’ve been force-fed, saturated fat is not the culprit responsible for the upsurge in heart disease and obesity in our nation.

Tip: If you’re counting calories, avoid eating a whole package at one time. However, if you need to gain weight, Moon Cheese is a tasty way to jump start your calorie intake.

Eschew Moon Cheese if you are allergic to milk. It is safe for those with gluten sensitivities, as it is gluten free. It is also soy free and does not contain nuts. It is made with regular cheese, which is not acceptable for a vegan diet. But it is vegetarian-friendly.

Take Note: This is not an organic product because the cheese in NutraDRIED products is made with pasteurized milk.

Is Moon Cheese Good for You?

Moon Cheese is a better keto snack alternative than chips. Just be mindful, it is a calorie-dense snack because it is dehydrated. Moon Cheese is Keto-approved and appropriate for other low carb diets. It’s also an excellent source of calcium. We highly recommend you add this cheese snack to your keto shopping list.

How Does Moon Cheese Taste?

Taste is subjective to the taster. Many folks love the taste of Moon Cheese, others not so much. If you love it, chances are, you’ll get addicted.

When you fancy a cheese snack with a little zip, try Pepper Jack. Not too hot, Pepper Jack Moon Cheese is just right. If you relish the sharpness of cheddar cheese, cheddar will exceed your expectations.

Need a cheese snack that satiates you until your next meal? Gouda is a milder flavor of Moon Cheese. Keep a bag in your desk or car for the immediate relief of hunger pangs.

How do we Love Moon Cheese – Let us Count the Ways

Love it straight from its bag. Top tossed salad with it instead of boring croutons. Gotta love its crunchiness. Company comin’? Put a pile of on crudité trays. Pair your favorite flavor of with wine. Eat it at the movies in place of popcorn. Substitute for crackers with your chili.

Great ingredient for trail mix or granola. Serve with sandwiches as a healthy alternative for chips. Keep a bag in your purse or briefcase in case you need a burst of quick energy.

As Moon Cheese doesn’t need refrigeration, it’s an ideal grab and go keto snack for camping trips, hiking and the beach. Store bags in your locker or gym bag for eating after workouts. Pack it in your carry-on when you travel by plane.

Awesome stocking stuffers – kids love’em too. These crunchy bites also marry well with apples for an after-school snack. Moon Cheese makes a perfect midnight snack.

Tip: Let us save you from a holy mess. Suppose you get hooked like many cheese lovers and you’re all gung-ho to add it to cooked foods. First, the texture will be displeasing. The little crunchy cheese bits will rehydrate when cooked in a food containing liquids. It will insert the yuck factor into some of your favorite dishes.

Don’t let the Amazon Rating Trick you

Amazon ratings for Moon Cheese products are slightly less than 4-stars. You may wonder how an all-natural product that serves to satisfy crunch cravings when you’re dieting failed to attain a 5-star rating on Amazon.

Comments from some of Amazon’s reviewers sum it up nicely: “The only hesitation that I had in giving this pack five stars is that it is quite expensive for the small packages they come in…”

“…a bit expensive to be a go-to…”

“…5-star quality minus one star for price…”

The lower rating has nothing to do with quality of the product and everything to do with how much it costs.

Pros & Cons of Moon Cheese


  • Low to no carbs or sugar
  • Travels well as it needs no refrigeration
  • Shelf Stable
  • Great source of calcium


  • Costly vs. amount of product in bag

Our Verdict

Eat, Crunch, Repeat!

This is an amazing product. Its rich flavor of cheese with the crisp texture of a cracker is sooo much better for you than junk food. In fact, Moon Cheese is so yummy, you may feel a little guilty, like you’re eating something that isn’t allowed on your diet.

Consider the irony – Moon Cheese can help you gain or lose weight. Just adjust the amount you eat to consume calories as applicable.

To learn more and get a great deal on Moon Cheese, CLICK HERE and we will take you over to Amazon to pick up a bag or three!