What Is Keto Coffee Made Of?

bulletproof keto coffee with mct oil

You’ll be happy to know that you don’t have to give up coffee if you are thinking of going on the keto diet. In fact, you’ll be able to enjoy your coffee several different ways using the keto coffee recipes that are suitable for the ketogenic diet.

Start Your Day with Energy Boosting Keto Coffee

We are all used to waking up with our morning coffee. Without it we feel there’s something missing. Yes, many of us can’t even think about starting our day without that morning cup of Joe. The good news is, this is going to remain the same even once you start the keto diet, nothing is going to change.

Why do we need this cup of coffee in the first place? This could not have been part of our diet originally. Finding coffee was of course a happy accident and now it has become an acquired taste that we can hardly think of giving up.

You’ll be able to increase your mental focus levels by drinking coffee. It has been scientifically proven that the caffeine contained in coffee will keep you mentally alert.

So, think about this, when you are starting your day, so does the rat race. You can’t afford to lag behind in this race, not for a moment! You need to be on your toes right from the word ‘Go!’ and this is where keto coffee can help. You’ll be able to gain that mental focus that is required even if you are living under stressful conditions.

It has been found that coffee has a soothing effect on your body besides helping you stay alert and focused. You’ll also be able to alleviate your muscle pain by drinking keto coffee. There are many different keto coffee recipes that will not disturb your keto diet in any way.

Regardless of whether you’re drinking it to increase your mental focus or to sooth your muscles, make sure to follow an appropriate keto coffee recipe.

Enjoying Your Keto Coffee

Just like enjoying your regular coffee, you can enjoy your keto coffee several different ways. There are specific ketogenic coffee recipes which are more commonly known as ‘Bulletproof’ Coffee. If you’re on the keto diet, then you need to make sure you learn these bulletproof keto coffee recipes.

Also, check out our page that looks at the top 8 keto coffee creamers!

What Exactly is Bullet Proof Coffee or Ketogenic Coffee?

Keto coffee is made by adding medium chain triglyceride (MCT), grass-fed butter to your brewed coffee. Do not add sugar to your coffee. This will adhere to the low carb, high fat keto diet formula. Keto coffee was created by David Asprey based on his Tibetan way of preparing tea with high fat Yak milk.

A key factor to be noted here is that when preparing ketogenic coffee, using grass-fed butter is important.

What is Grass-fed Butter?

This is butter made from milk produced by cows that are fed with grass. As per research findings show, butter from grass-fed cows is much healthier than butter from cows that are grain-fed. Now don’t you worry about where to find this grain-fed butter. Now that the keto diet is becoming popular, you’ll easily be able to buy all your keto ingredients online in a matter of just a few clicks.

If you are looking for the best source for medium chain triglyceride (MCT), coconut oil will do the job. Make sure to buy the purest form of coconut oil. It should not have any cosmetic aromas added to it. You can also use food grade coconut oil. This again can be bought from your keto diet store online.

Never add any sweetener, not as natural sugar, processed sugar or artificial sweetener.

Is Keto Coffee Enjoyable?

Many of us can’t even grasp the thought of adding butter and coconut oil to our coffee. Naturally you are likely to be concerned about the taste. Just taste it once and you’ll see that ketogenic coffee is not only a very healthy way of drinking coffee but also a tasty one. Even if you don’t like the taste, you will acquire the taste for keto coffee over time.

Are There Any Special Benefits of Drinking Keto Coffee?

Yes, undoubtedly, just as there are multiple benefits in drinking your regular coffee, drinking keto coffee also has a number of health benefits.

Like all the other ketogenic foods, ketogenic coffee is helping you lose weight. When you are on the keto diet, your body learns to burn fat instead of carbohydrates. Your body will get a good supply of high-fat and low carbs with keto coffee. This is the perfect keto drink that will encourage your body to burn more fat.

Secondly, people who drink keto coffee report that they enjoy higher energy levels, and can remain active for longer periods of time. This helps them achieve more on any given day. Normally, someone who is dieting feels exhausted or tired and not able to cope with their daily tasks. This is because they are consuming fewer calories than what they used to take when they were not dieting. Now in the case of the keto diet, it is the opposite. You stay away from the carbs and this high-fat diet helps keep you active.

The Third major benefit of drinking ketogenic coffee is that you are less likely to feel hungry. This is an awesome benefit of the keto diet. You will not have to eat more food because you are feeling hungry all the time. This is often the case with most other diets. With the keto diet such concerns don’t exist. Drinking keto coffee will help you curb the temptation of snacking between meals.

There are also claims that drinking keto coffee boosts brain functions. This is however a benefit experienced with the regular coffee also. We cannot attribute this benefit fully to the keto coffee.

What is important to note here is that if you are not following a ketogenic diet, and your body is not trained to produce ketones through a low-carb diet, then keto coffee will result in weight gain. This is because the high fat content will be stored instead of being used by the body to produce energy.

You need to first switch to low-carb diet and abstain from all forms of carbs and sugar before you start drinking ketogenic coffee. Yes, keto coffee is not for someone who is on a regular carb diet. Only in the right framework will keto coffee benefits be enjoyed.

When Is the Best Time to Drink Keto Coffee?

When you think about drinking keto coffee, this question may cross your mind. It’s best to drink your keto coffee before breakfast on an empty stomach. This does not replace your breakfast, but it becomes part of your breakfast. The idea behind drinking keto coffee is to utilize all that fat during the day while you cruise through your various activities. You do not want to drink keto coffee right before going to bed or before your afternoon nap.

When you first start drinking keto coffee, be on your guard because until your stomach gets used to it you could experience an upset stomach. High fat is known for increasing the gut motor activity.

Another good time to drink ketogenic coffee is after your morning workout when your body’s metabolic rates are high. It is recommended that you do not drink it before your workout. You will get best results if you drink your coffee after your workout.

Other Ketogenic Coffee Recipes

Bulletproof coffee is only one specific way of drinking coffee when you are on a keto diet. There are other keto-friendly coffee recipes that you could try. That way, you do not get bored with just one way of drinking your coffee. Here are few interesting ways to drink your keto coffee when you are following the ketogenic diet.

Regular Black Coffee:

Regular black coffee without sweetener is a keto friendly way of drinking your coffee. Brew your coffee the usual way and enjoy. This is a quick and harmless way of drinking your coffee.

Coffee with Coconut Oil:

With bullet proof coffee you add grass-fed butter along with coconut oil. Here you do not add any butter but just one tablespoon of coconut oil or MCT oil.

Coffee with Coconut Milk and Cinnamon:

Instead of adding any creamer, try adding coconut milk along with your coffee and enjoy. You can add a few pinches of cinnamon powder to your coffee along with coconut milk for an irresistible taste.

Coffee with Heavy Cream:

If you are used to drinking coffee with cream and are having trouble drinking bulletproof coffee, try drinking your coffee with heavy cream. Avoid adding sweetener if you can. Until you get used to coffee without sweetener, add artificial sweetener and continually reduce the quantity each day until you completely sweetener free.

Come Up with Your Own Keto Coffee

There are many more interesting ways to drink your coffee when following the keto diet. Once you know the keto diet principles, you can come up with your own recipe.

You can add any compatible low-carb ingredients to your coffee. Add other high fat ingredients along with the grass-fed butter to spice up the coffee to suit your taste. Try mixing and matching various ingredients and try to be as creative as possible.

You also might try adding Coffee Booster. This product was developed to add healthy fats into your diet.

Remember your keto coffee will become part of your breakfast. You can add other ingredients based on your nutrient requirements.

Be sure to check out our section on keto drinks to find out more options of what to drink on a ketogenic diet.

Buy Your Keto Coffee Ingredients with Care

Always buy the ingredients for your keto coffee shopping list from the most trusted sources. Before placing your order, be sure to check that the ingredients are free from carbs. Choose authentic brands and you’ll enjoy the fullest benefits of your keto coffee.

Once you make keto coffee an integral part of your keto diet you will start to reap its many benefits. You will notice these changes and benefits in several areas. Your skin will also start to get a better tone to it.

Do not miss out on all these benefits. If you are serious about losing weight and burning fat in the healthiest way possible, make ketogenic coffee part of your diet. Teach your body to burn fat 24x7 by eating proven keto foods and beverages.

The effectiveness of the keto diet and keto coffee in weight loss has been proven beyond a doubt and it is up to you to embrace this proven diet now.

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